Home Blockchain This startup encourages you to trade your genetic information using blockchain technology

This startup encourages you to trade your genetic information using blockchain technology

by Joseph Mack

Nebula Genomics: Incentivizing Genome Sequencing

Nebula Genomics, a company founded by renowned geneticist George Church, is aiming to revolutionize the field of personal genomics by offering a unique platform that incentivizes people to share their genetic data. The company’s underlying aim is to incentivize more individuals to sequence their genomes, in the hopes of advancing medical research and development. Despite the decreasing cost of full genome sequencing, only a small number of people have taken the plunge, largely due to privacy and cost concerns.

The Value of Genomic Data

Whole genomes have become invaluable for medical research, giving academics, biotech, and pharmaceutical companies unprecedented power to understand the full scope of human disease and develop targeted drugs. As a result, the progress of medical research now depends on acquiring more genomes, which means convincing more and more people to share their genetic data.

Nebula’s Approach

Nebula believes it will do a better job than its competitors in incentivizing individuals to share their genetic data. The company offers whole genome sequencing for less than $1,000, providing superior genetic insights compared to typical DNA tests. Additionally, individuals can choose to share their genetic data on the Nebula platform, and if they do, they will be directly connected to interested researchers and companies.

Nebula Tokens and Financial Benefits

Sellers of genetic data on the Nebula platform will be paid in cryptocurrency called “Nebula tokens”, providing a financial incentive for sharing their data. Additionally, prospective sellers can take a survey before getting sequenced, allowing interested buyers to offer to pay for the individual’s sequencing costs.

The Blockchain and Data Security

Nebula addresses the concerns of data security by utilizing the secure, independent, transaction-tracking architecture of the blockchain. This will allow buyers to analyze genetic data without seeing the information in plaintext, thus preserving the confidentiality of the seller’s data. The encryption will also prevent buyers from downloading, copying, or sharing the data.

Streamlining Data Access

Nebula’s platform will ultimately draw together various genomic projects from biobanks, academic institutions, and companies into a single platform, streamlining data access for buyers and simplifying the process of obtaining large genetic datasets.

In conclusion, Nebula Genomics is pioneering a new approach to incentivize more people to share their genetic data, with the ultimate goal of advancing medical research and understanding the full scope of human disease. Through the use of cryptocurrency, blockchain technology, and streamlined data access, Nebula aims to revolutionize the field of personal genomics.

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