Home DeFi Google Cloud has been confirmed to be participating in the EigenLayer testnet.

Google Cloud has been confirmed to be participating in the EigenLayer testnet.

by Joseph Mack

EigerLayer Eyes Mainnet Deployment in 2024 with Google Cloud Joining as One of the Operators

EigerLayer, a decentralized cloud computing network, announced a significant milestone as it welcomed Google Cloud as one of its node operators. This development comes as the company gears up for the deployment of its mainnet in the first half of 2024. With Google Cloud’s participation, EigerLayer now boasts a network of more than 65 operators, marking a crucial step towards the realization of its vision for a secure and efficient decentralized cloud infrastructure.

Expanding Operator Network

The addition of Google Cloud to EigerLayer’s operator network signals a vote of confidence from one of the leading cloud service providers in the world. This move also underscores the growing recognition of the potential of decentralized cloud computing solutions in addressing the evolving needs of enterprises and developers.

According to Rich Widmann, CEO and Co-founder of EigerLayer, the participation of Google Cloud and other leading operators is a testament to the value proposition of the EigerLayer network. “We are thrilled to have Google Cloud join our rapidly growing network of operators. Their expertise and resources will be invaluable as we work towards the successful deployment of our mainnet,” Widmann said.

Mainnet Deployment on the Horizon

The entry of Google Cloud as an operator comes at a pivotal time for EigerLayer, as the company prepares for the launch of its mainnet in the first half of 2024. The mainnet deployment is a critical milestone that will enable node operators to start providing decentralized cloud computing services on the EigerLayer network.

Widmann emphasized the significance of the mainnet deployment, stating that it will open up new opportunities for operators and users alike. “The mainnet deployment will mark a new chapter for EigerLayer and our operator network. We are confident that it will serve as a catalyst for the adoption of decentralized cloud computing solutions,” he added.

Looking Ahead

As EigerLayer continues to build momentum towards its mainnet deployment, the company remains focused on engaging and onboarding additional operators to further strengthen its network. With Google Cloud on board, EigerLayer is poised to make significant strides in realizing its vision of a decentralized cloud computing ecosystem that delivers security, reliability, and scalability to its users.

In conclusion, the participation of Google Cloud as an operator is a clear indication of the growing interest in decentralized cloud solutions. With the mainnet deployment scheduled for 2024, EigerLayer is well-positioned to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of cloud computing.

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