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“Jamie Dimon calls on business leaders to support Nikki Haley”

by Joseph Mack

JPMorgan CEO Urges Corporate Leaders to Support Nikki Haley’s Campaign

At a recent conference hosted by The New York Times’ DealBook franchise, Jamie Dimon, the CEO of JPMorgan, called on some of the world’s wealthiest corporate leaders, including liberal Democrats, to support the presidential campaign of Nikki Haley. Dimon expressed his belief that having a viable choice on the Republican side, possibly better than Donald Trump, would be beneficial for the country.

The audience at the conference included prominent figures from Wall Street, such as hedge fund veteran Bill Ackman, Tesla CEO Elon Musk, media titan David Zaslav, and Disney CEO Bob Iger. Dimon’s remarks were clearly directed at this group, rather than at all liberal Democrats.

Haley’s campaign has been gaining support from key big money political backers. On Tuesday, the political network funded largely by billionaire Charles Koch formally endorsed the former governor of South Carolina. The move comes as Haley rides a wave of momentum, with increasing support from influential figures in the business and political spheres.

During a recent interview on CNBC’s Squawk Box, Haley disclosed that she had spoken with Dimon about the state of the economy. Dimon, with a net worth of $1.8 billion according to Forbes, has become an influential voice within the business community.

Despite his call for support for Haley’s campaign, Dimon did not explicitly state that the Republican nominee should be anyone other than Trump. “I would never say that, you know, because he might be the president and I have to deal with him too,” Dimon stated, indicating a cautious approach to his remarks.

Haley’s growing momentum extends beyond Wall Street and into key primary states. A recent CNN poll in the important primary state of New Hampshire showed 42% of likely GOP primary voters supporting Trump, with Haley coming in second at 20%. This represents an 8-point increase for Haley since the previous poll in September, indicating a significant surge in her support within the state. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie trailed behind in the poll.

The heightened support for Haley’s presidential campaign appears to be drawing the attention and backing of influential figures, including Jamie Dimon, within both the business and political realms. As the campaign progresses, it will be interesting to see how her momentum continues to grow and how it might influence the broader political landscape.

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