Home DeFi Co-founder of Cosmos divides ATOM token following years of internal conflict

Co-founder of Cosmos divides ATOM token following years of internal conflict

by Joseph Mack

Title: Founder of Cosmos, Jae Kwon, Announces Fork of Native Token

Heading 1: A Longstanding Feud

The founder of Cosmos, Jae Kwon, is making headlines once again as he publicly announces his intention to fork the project’s native token, ATOM. Kwon has been involved in a longstanding feud with the Cosmos community, accusing them of conspiring against him.

Heading 2: Years of Accusations

For years, Jae Kwon has been vocal about his grievances with the Cosmos community, claiming that they have been working against him and trying to oust him from the project. These accusations have led to a significant amount of tension within the Cosmos ecosystem.

Heading 3: The Decision to Fork

In a recent statement, Kwon revealed that he has made the decision to fork the native token, ATOM, in response to what he perceives as unfair treatment by the Cosmos community. This move has sparked a great deal of debate within the cryptocurrency and blockchain community, as forking a native token is a highly contentious and rare occurrence.

Kwon’s decision to fork the token has raised questions about the future of Cosmos and the potential impact this move could have on the project’s overall stability and reputation. Some members of the Cosmos community have expressed concern about the potential fragmentation of the ecosystem and the impact this could have on the value and utility of the ATOM token.

Heading 4: Community Response

In response to Kwon’s announcement, the Cosmos community has been divided, with some members expressing support for Kwon and his decision to fork the token, while others have voiced skepticism and concern about the potential consequences of this move.

Heading 5: The Future of Cosmos

As the founder of Cosmos, Jae Kwon’s decision to fork the native token ATOM has brought the longstanding feud between him and the community to a new level. The repercussions of this decision are yet to be seen, but it is clear that it has sparked a great deal of controversy within the cryptocurrency and blockchain space. The future of Cosmos and the ATOM token remains uncertain as the community grapples with the implications of Kwon’s announcement.

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