Home Blockchain Binance and Coinbase Caught in Regulatory Battle

Binance and Coinbase Caught in Regulatory Battle

by Joseph Mack

Crypto Industry Faces Regulatory Uncertainty

Mulvaney’s Concerns on SEC Actions

Former acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney has raised concerns over the enforcement actions of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) against the crypto industry. Mulvaney believes that the agency is exerting its authority and flexing its muscle through these actions, but in the process, it has lost its impartiality.

Disagreement within the SEC

Even within the SEC, there is disagreement on how the agency is handling crypto. Hester Peirce, one of the five SEC commissioners, has publicly dissented against multiple crypto-related actions. She aims to foster discussion and resolve the “dysfunctional” relationship between the agency and the crypto industry. Peirce criticized the SEC for not providing a clear path to compliance and instead relying on enforcement actions after the fact. While she acknowledges the agency’s goal to protect investors, she believes that the approach taken is more about staking jurisdictional claims.

No Response from SEC Chair

Despite these concerns and criticisms, there has been no response from SEC Chair Gary Gensler’s office regarding the agency’s approach to regulating the crypto industry.

CFTC’s Resistance

The SEC’s actions have been met with resistance from the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), which has refused to yield jurisdiction to the SEC. The CFTC’s lawsuit against Binance, the world’s largest crypto exchange, specifically refers to popular cryptocurrencies, including bitcoin, ether, and litecoin, as commodities. CFTC Chairman Rostin Benham warned the digital asset world that the CFTC will not tolerate the willful avoidance of US law.

Binance’s Response

In response to the CFTC lawsuit, Binance CEO Zhao expressed disagreement with the allegations and described the lawsuit as “disappointing,” given the cooperate working relationship the company had with the CFTC.

Regulatory Uncertainty

The lack of clear guidance from Congress on which agency, SEC or CFTC, should regulate the crypto industry has created uncertainty and challenges for crypto businesses. CEO Dave Siemer of Wave Digital Assets likened the situation to driving without road signs, making it difficult for businesses to anticipate regulatory actions from both directions.

Ultimately, the regulatory uncertainty surrounding the crypto industry has made it challenging for businesses to navigate the complex and evolving regulatory landscape. As the industry continues to grow, stakeholders are calling for clearer guidelines and a more collaborative approach from regulators to ensure the industry’s continued development and success.

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